$ 0 0 【问题】 VS2012中,选择.NET 2.0的C#的winform程序,结果出错: 未找到与约束C …Continue Reading → 您可能也喜欢: 【记录】VS2012下载和安装 【记录】下载和安装WLW 2012简体中文版 【记录】安装VS2010出错:Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64): [2] Error code -2067723326 for this component is not recognized 【未解决】VS2010中编译一个C#项目出错:ERROR: Unable to build custom action named xxx, InstallerClass property is only valid for assemblies. 【已解决】VS2010中双击C#的.cs文件,结果不是打开vs文件,却出现:To add components to your class, drag them from the Toolbox and use the Properties window to set their properties. To create methods and events for your class, click here to switch to code view + 【未解决】添加CookComputing.XmlRpc后,wlw就无法识当前项目的dll插件 无觅